How do I Add image on my Product design template and format it?

Image Options

As soon as you add new image on canvas or click on an existing image, Image Options toolbar will open.

Following are the options available:

Height And Width

  • Height

    Hold the slider handle and drag left or right to decrease or increase the image height respectively. Alternatively, you can click on the plus (+) or minus (-) button to increase or decrease the height of image in steps.

  • Width

    Hold the slider handle and drag left or right to decrease or increase the image width respectively. Alternatively, you can click on the plus (+) or minus (-) button to increase or decrease the width of image in steps.

  • Preserve Image Aspect Ratio

    Images have original aspect ratio, ie, the ratio of image width to image height. By default, Pixopa Design Studio preserves the image aspect ratio. Hence, if you change the width of an image, its height will also change in the same ratio, and vice versa.

    You may not like to preserve aspect ratio in some cases, and want to resize the image freely as per your wish. To do this, you can uncheck ‘Aspect Ratio’. Now, the image width or height can be resized freely without changing other dimension.

    If you like to preserve aspect ratio, then click to check ‘Aspect Ratio’ again. Now, any change in image width or height will result in change in other dimension in the same ratio.

  • Resize to Best Resolution

    Resize image to best resolution

    Clicking on this button will resize image so that it is of best resolution. Generally it is the original image size. The image will be aligned to top-left of canvas.

  • Rotate

    You can change the rotation angle of selected image using this option. Clicking on left button will rotate image anticlockwise by five degrees and clicking on right button will rotate image clockwise by five degrees.


  • Change Opacity

    Use this option to change opacity of image. 100 means image is completely opaque, 0 means it is transparent.

  • Change Opacity Slider

    You can change the opacity of selected image using this option Click on the text box of blur value, type the new value and press enter – opacity value of object will be changed. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease blur-value in steps.


  • Left, Centre, Right Alignment

    Align image to left
    Align image centre
    Align image right

    Clicking on this option aligns the object to left, centre, or right of page (horizontally).

  • Top, Middle, Bottom Alignment

    Align image to top
    Align image middle vertically
    Align image to bottom

    Clicking on this option aligns the object to top, middle, bottom of page (vertically).

  • Bring to Front

    Use this option to bring the selected object in front of every other object on canvas.

  • Send to Back

    Use this option to send the selected object behind every other object on canvas.


  • Blur

    You can change the Gaussian blur value of selected image using this option. Click on the text box of blur value, type the new value and press enter – blur value of object will be changed. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease blur-value in steps.

  • Enhance Image

    Pixopa introduces wide variety of image filters like sharpen, sepia, lemomnchiffon, polarid, posterize, vivid, grayscale, charcoal and many more . allows user to adjust brightness , blurreffect , contrast , Hue , and Saturation to enhance image.


  • X, Y Coordinates [Image Position]

    • X Coordinates

      Set X coordinates for top left corner of image
    • Y Coordinates

      Set Y coordinates for top left corner of image

    X and Y coordinates determine the position of image on canvas. X and Y specify x and y coordinate of top left corner of image box. Click on the text box of any of X or Y, type the new value and press enter – top left corner of image selection box will be shifted to (x,y) position. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease X, Y values in steps.

  • Width

    Set width

    Click on the text box of width, type the new value and press enter – width of image will change as per new value. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease width values in steps.

  • Height

    Set height

    Click on the text box of height, type the new value and press enter – height of image will change as per new value. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease height values in steps.

  • Crop

    Crop selected image

    Use this option to crop the images. Select the image you want to crop and click on the crop button. Image will open in new popup, in which you can draw a rectangle and select the image area you want to show. Once you select the area, click on crop button on this popup (below scrollbar). The cropped image will be shown on the canvas.

  • Rotation Angle

    Rotate image

    You can change the rotation angle of selected image using this option. Click on the text box of rotation angle, type the new value and press enter – image will be rotated with the specified angle. Alternatively, you can click on up-down arrows to increase / decrease rotation angle in steps.


  • Lock Object

    Use this option if you want to lock any image for editing. The locked image cannot be changed. All the editing options will be disabled, image cannot be moved or resized, and no editing will be possible.

  • Unlock Object

    Once you click on ‘Lock Object’ button, image is locked and this button changes to ‘Unlock Object’. Clicking on this button will unlock the image again for editing. The image can now be changed. All the editing options will be enabled, image can be moved or resized, and editing will be possible.

  • Delete

    Clicking on this button will delete the image permanently.

in Online Design Tool